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Campaign Finance Disclosure Task Force

Board Information

The task force shall undertake a study of campaign finance and disclosure issues which shall include, but not be limited to: (i) the use of email communications sent using a paid email service provider or email marketing service provider; (ii) disclosure requirements for internet adverstisements which are of limited size, including requiring disclosure to be placed on a landing page, rollover display or other technological means that provide the user with disclousre information rather than requiring such information in the original advertisement; and (iii) the feasibility, mertis and administrative requirements of applying limits on contributions for each special election primary and general election rather than per calendar year. The task force shall submit its report and its recommendations, if any, together with drafts of legislation necessary to carry its recommendations into effect, to the clerks of the house of representatives and senate on or before January 1, 2015.

Board Members

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Campaign Finance Disclosure Task Force Board Members
Member↓↓Seat NameAppointing AuthorityTerm End Date
Representative Shawn DooleyHouse Minority Leader, or designeeLegislature-
The Honorable William Francis GalvinSecretary of the Commonwealth, or designeeEx Officio-
-Director of Campaign and Politcal Finance, Chair--
-Speaker of the House of Representatives, or designeeHouse of Representatives-
-Senate President, or designeeSenate President-
-Senate Minority Leader, or designeeLegislature-